Just about a year ago, the choose-your-own-adventure erotica book Surrender was released by Coliloquy Publishing, based on an original novella by yours truly!
Entwined Volume III: Surrender opened with a chapter that I wrote, and then had four authors (including me) follow different “paths” that might happen with the characters after that first chapter. Readers could choose whatever “flavor” of erotica they wanted to follow. My novella was called “Watching Kate” and over on Goodreads, one reviewer said “Of the four stories, I found Nik Flandre’s “Watching Kate” and Jamie K. Schmidt’s “Pina Colada Escape” hottest.”
Another Goodreads reader said “I really liked this book! I thoroughly enjoy the different endings. I can’t pick a favorite and if I could I wouldn’t tell you! You need to find out for yourself. Each ending flows really well and it’s fun to go back and try again. 4 out of 5!”
While the e-book and “choose your adventure” app editions received great reviews, ultimately, the project was pulled off sale last year – the publisher was very supportive, but the innovative project just wasn’t finding it’s audience through them. It’s currently being shopped to other publishers who specialize in erotica, but in the meantime, you can still read my first kick-off chapter.
I’m hoping that Surrender will return … with a sexy vengeance … eventually!