NIGHT DREAMS: 13 Tales of Erotic Encounters is on a Kindle Countdown deal for 99 cents this week!
NIGHT DREAMS is a brand new retrospective collection of my published erotica from the past 15 years and includes my first published bit of erotica – the Knight Rider-esque sexy car tale “Auto-Stimulation,” which appeared in the men’s mag Club back in 1998. It also includes stories from Circlet Press anthologies and magazines like Clean Sheets, Scarlet Letters, 1,000 Delights and even a couple brand new tawdry tales.
From roadside rendezvous to “wife watching” fantasies to a woman with a vibrator that has um… very special fantasy powers to even a touch of futuristic Sci Fi erotica… NIGHT DREAMS has a sexy story for just about every taste!
The first couple reviews have been great. One called the book:
“A wild read from the very first page” and “a succulent concoction of erotic shorts that cross the poetic with the paranormal with the profane and pant-inducing, intoxicating the reader and leaving them begging for more.”
Another mentions the opening story “Touch” and says “Sex with no touching? Imaginative scenario that includes one of the hottest shower scenes I’ve read. 5 Stars”
NIGHT DREAMS is just $.99 right now on Amazon…This weekend it will go up to $1.99 and then next week it will return to normal price. I hope you’ll give it a sample/borrow/download while it’s on sale!
I just went to Amazon to purchase this and it shows as $2.99 not .99. s it too late to get in on the deal?
Hi Ana – yes, sorry… the Kindle Countdown promo was last weekend. I hope you’ll still check out the book though 🙂